Mysterious sound : For 9 consecutive days, the sound of Gun Gun has been heard all over the world. Did the alien attack?

 Washington:  Do aliens really exist? Have they ever come to earth or tried to come? Such questions have been swirling for decades. Various studies have been done. Some scientists claim that aliens exist, while others refuse to accept their existence. In the meantime, an event happened, which surprised scientists. A strange signal came from around the world. Just as someone hums in a soft voice, the sound is heard. Again, not for a few moments, the word came for nine consecutive days. From the Arctic to the Antarctic - the sound has come from all around the world. What is the sound of this?

In September 2023, the seismic activity or movement monitoring system detected the mysterious signal. Scientists were also surprised, because they had never seen such a signal before. The sound was initially identified as an Unidentified Seismic Object or USO. Later there is a mystery.

It is known that this movement or strange signal was caused by an earthquake, not an alien or a UFO. Seismic monitoring system detected tremors for 9 consecutive days. While searching for the source of the tremors, scientists learned that the earthquake occurred in Dixon Ford, a remote area of ​​Greenland.

Scientists said that the earthquake in Greenland caused the collapse of large rocks and ice, the size of which was the size of 10,000 Olympic swimming pools. This resulted in a terrible tsunami, each wave was 200 meters high. Which is twice the height of London's Big Ben.

Due to this earthquake, a severe tremor was created, which continued for 9 consecutive days. This sound was heard around the world. Which scientists first assumed to be alien signals.

It is known that due to globalization or global warming, the walls of glaciers became thinner. This is why the magnitude of the earthquake was so high. Scientists have said that earthquakes have occurred in rocks due to climate change. Because of this there was such an earthquake.


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