
Mysterious sound : For 9 consecutive days, the sound of Gun Gun has been heard all over the world. Did the alien attack?

 Washington:  Do aliens really exist? Have they ever come to earth or tried to come? Such questions have been swirling for decades. Various studies have been done. Some scientists claim that aliens exist, while others refuse to accept their existence. In the meantime, an event happened, which surprised scientists. A strange signal came from around the world. Just as someone hums in a soft voice, the sound is heard. Again, not for a few moments, the word came for nine consecutive days. From the Arctic to the Antarctic - the sound has come from all around the world. What is the sound of this? Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator - Top Performer for 2023 EBooks In September 2023, the seismic activity or movement monitoring system detected the mysterious signal. Scientists were also surprised, because they had never seen such a signal before. The sound was initially identified as an Unidentified Seismic Object or USO. Later there is a mystery. It is known that this movement or strange signal was ca

Will people be able to live on Mars in the next 20 years? Explained with logic.

  The Feasibility of Human Habitation on Mars Within the Next 20 Years The prospect of human habitation on Mars has captured the imagination of scientists, engineers, and the public alike. While the challenges are significant, recent advancements in technology and growing international cooperation suggest that it is not only possible but also increasingly likely that humans will establish a permanent presence on the Red Planet within the next two decades. Home Doctor – BRAND NEW! Book (printed) Technological Advancements One of the most critical factors enabling human habitation on Mars is the rapid advancement of space technology. In recent years, we have witnessed significant breakthroughs in areas such as: Rocket Propulsion: Reusable rockets, like SpaceX's Falcon 9, have dramatically reduced the cost of space travel. This has paved the way for more frequent and ambitious missions to Mars. Spacecraft Design: Engineers are developing spacecraft capable of long-duration